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A Duck and A Swan (Bebek dan Angsa)-Dongeng Anak Karya Kak Zepe (cerita pendidikan pesan moral anak TK PAUD, Cerpen Anak Usia Dini, Bergambar,Lucu)

A Duck and A Swan

(Bebek dan Angsa)

The swan and the duck are good friends.
(Bebek dan Angsa berteman baik)
They are very happy and fun.
(Mereka sangat senang dan gembira)
They live on a farm.
(Mereka tinggal di sebuah ladang)
They talk about many things.
(Mereka berbicara tentang banyak hal)

They talk about the snake.
Mereka berbicara tentang Ular.)
They think the snake is tricky.
(Mereka berpikir ular sangat licik)

They think the snake is dangerous.
Mereka pikir ular sangat berbahaya. )
The snake looks at them a lot.
Ular suka menatap mereka.)
They do not trust the snake.
Mereka tidak percaya kepada ular.)
The snake likes to eat others.
Ular suka memakan binatang lain. )
“We must always keep our eyes open when the snake is around,” they both agree.
“Kita harus selalu waspada ketika ular disekitar kita,” Mereka berdua sependapat.)

They talk about the turtle.
Mereka berbicara tentang kura-kura.)
The turtle is very friendly.
Kura-kura sangat ramah.)
The turtle wants to play.
Kura-kura ingin bermain.)
The turtle has lots of energy.
Kura-kura punya banyak tenaga.)
It likes swimming.
Kura-kura gemar berenang. )
It is very patient.
Kura-kura sangat sabar. )
It does not like to hurt the others.
Kura-kura tidak suka menyakiti sesama.)
They both like the turtle.
Mereka berdua [bebek dan angsa] suka kura-kura.)

They talk about Rodhiyah.
Mereka berbicara tentang Rodhiyah.)
Rodhiyah is a nice child.
Rodhiyah adalah anak yang baik.)
Rodhiyah lives in the village.
Rodhiyah tinggal di sebuah desa.)
Rodhiyah likes to play in the farm.
Rodhiyah suka bermain ke ladang. )
Rodhiyah brings them food.
membawakan mereka makanan.)
Rodhiyah takes care of them.
menjaga mereka. )
Rodhiyah takes care of all the animals.
(Rodhiyah menjaga semua binatang.)
She feeds the cow.
(Dia memberi makan sapi.)
She feeds the pig.
Dia memberi makan babi)
She feeds the goat.
(Dia memberi makan kambing.)
She feeds the sheep.
Dia memberi makan domba)
She feeds the rabbit.
Dia memberi makan kelinci.)

The swan and the duck love Rodhiyah.
Angsa dan bebek menyayangi Rodhiyah)
She takes good care of everyone.
Dia (Rodhiyah) menjaga mereka dengan baik.)
The swan says, “Rodhiyah is good.”
Angsa berkata,”Rodhiyah baik hati.” )
The duck says, “We need Rodhiyah.”

(Bebek bilang,”Kita perlu Rodhiyah.”)

Vocabularies (Kosa Kata):

swan (Angsa)

duck (bebek)

snake (Ular)

turtle (Kura-kura)

animals (Hewan/binatang)

feeds (memberi makanan)

cow (Sapi)

pig (Babi)

rabbit ( Kelinci )

Goat (Kambing)

sheep (Domba)


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